




Shanghai Qingpu Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] (call to enjoy exclusive discounts)

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Professional one-to-one enthusiastic service will allow you to buy a house with a professional vision.


Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Qingpu Zhaoxiang Section, next to Jiasong Middle Road Station on Line 17 [Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons] is expected to enter the market in 4 batches!The project will promote 3-4 rooms with a construction area of about 90-130㎡, and the combined price of house and land is 56,000/㎡.



华 发 虹 桥 四 季



Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] October 25, 2023, Shanghai Three Batch 2 In the land auction, Huafa acquired the B2-01 plot on the east side of Jiahuan Road, Zhaoxiang Town, Qingpu District, with a total price of 1,732.96 million yuan. The land transfer area is 29,974.3 square meters and the floor area ratio is 2.2.The premium rate is 10%, the floor price is 26,279 yuan/㎡, the decoration standard is 2,500 yuan/㎡, and the house and land linkage price is 56,000 yuan/㎡.









The main reasons why this land is so popular are:

1、华发虹桥四季售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】项目紧邻17号线嘉松中路站,直线距离约600米, 比国贸虹桥璟上项目离地铁更近。另外,该地块是一幅纯宅地,对开发商来说未来净利润更高。

1. Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] The project is close to Jiasong Middle Road Station of Line 17, with a straight-line distance of about 600 meters, which is closer to the subway than the Guomao Hongqiao Jingshang project.In addition, the land is a pure residential land, which will bring higher net profits to the developer in the future.

2、华发虹桥四季售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】嘉松中路地铁站正在打造TOD综合体,商业方面为大虹桥首个日式购物中心Terrace Park。此外,沿17号线向东,2站可达天空之城,3站直达蟠龙天地,周边还有百联奥特莱斯、合生新天地、山姆会员店等商业。

2. Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Jiasong Middle Road Subway Station is building a TOD complex. The commercial aspect is Terrace Park, the first Japanese-style shopping mall in Greater Hongqiao.In addition, along Line 17 to the east, you can reach Sky City in 2 stops and Panlong World in 3 stops. There are also Bailian Outlets, Hopson Xintiandi, Sam's Club and other businesses nearby.


Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Judging from the published design plan, most of the projects are small high-rise and high-rise residential buildings with 14-18F, which are not diverted by people and vehicles. Some buildings are on the first floor. There is an elevated area, a river passes through it in the east, and a kindergarten land is planned in the south.


Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] The building facade of the project adopts a modern and simple style. With orderly horizontal lines, it is mainly off-white with a certain warm tone of champagne gold, and uses large areas of glass + nearly floor-to-ceiling windows in some rooms to reduce the scale of the building through segmentation, enrich the shape, and make the overall fashionable and more attractive. .


In terms of building the community, every aspect is taken into account. The exquisitely crafted welcome hall and the homecoming ceremony guard with a cross-shaped main axis form a very tasteful home entry experience.

华发虹桥四季售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】华发虹桥四季售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】项目更以超大手笔打造万平私家花园 包含多元组团花园、阳光草坪、水岸会客厅、童乐天地、健康跑道等全龄段优质配套设施,并精心设计了多处创意架空层,面积高达上千平!不仅景观设计审美高度在线,更带给业主一个个生活场景、社交圈层.

Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] The project also uses extravagant efforts to build a Wanping private garden, including diverse There are high-quality supporting facilities for all ages such as group gardens, sunshine lawns, waterfront living rooms, children's playgrounds, and healthy running tracks, and many creative elevated floors have been carefully designed with an area of over 1,000 square meters!Not only is the aesthetics of landscape design highly online, it also brings life scenes and social circles to the owners.


华 发 虹 桥 四 季


华发虹桥四季售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】 位于青浦赵巷镇商业商务板块,向东600米左右,就是运营中的17号线嘉松中路站和长三角绿洲智谷·Terrace Park

Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Located in the commercial section of Zhaoxiang Town, Qingpu, about 600 meters to the east, there are the operating Line 17 Jiasong Middle Road Station and the Yangtze River Delta Oasis Smart Valley Terrace Park.


Transportation facilities: The project is surrounded by Jiasong Middle Road Station of Line 17. You can easily access Xuying Road Station, Panlong Road Station, Zhuguang Road Station and Hongqiao Railway Station through Metro Line 17.

华发虹桥四季售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】除了轨交外,自驾也很方便。 青浦崧泽高架路主线已开通。全长16.98公里,双向6车道的规模,设计车速80公里/小时,在嘉松中路设置了匝道口。分流之下,沪渝高速也会更加通畅,更有G50高速路,畅达全城。

Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] In addition to rail transportation, self-driving is also very convenient.The main line of Qingpu Songze Elevated Road has been opened.It has a total length of 16.98 kilometers, a two-way 6-lane scale, a design speed of 80 kilometers per hour, and a ramp at Jiasong Middle Road.Under the diversion, the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway will be smoother, and the G50 Expressway will reach the entire city.

华发虹桥四季售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】商业方面:项目附近有大虹桥首个日式购物中心Terrace Park 通过17号线向东,2站可达天空广场,3站直达蟠龙天地。

Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Commercial aspect: Near the project is Terrace Park, the first Japanese-style shopping mall in Greater Hongqiao.Going east via Line 17, you can reach Sky Plaza in 2 stops and Panlong World in 3 stops.


Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] There are also Bailian Outlets, Hopson Xintiandi, Yuanzu Dream World, Sam's Club and other businesses nearby. Whether it is shopping, food or entertainment, you can find it in This area can be easily satisfied.



Educational supporting facilities: There are Soong Ching Ling School, Xiehe Bilingual School, Songze School, etc. in the surrounding area.(Xinfang does not promise the corresponding school, the actual situation shall prevail)


Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Medical: 3 tertiary hospitals within 7 kilometers, about 2 kilometers to Delta Hospital (a tertiary private hospital), and about 5.6 kilometers to Shanghai Medical University Hospital (tertiary comprehensive), about 7 kilometers to Fudan University Affiliated Huashan Hospital (West Hongqiao Branch) (tertiary A).

华发虹桥四季售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】生态方面:赵巷作为上海一直以来的国际低密墅区, 高端圈层自然天成,森林覆盖率高达22.33%,位于全区第二。

Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Telephone: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Ecological aspect: Zhaoxiang has always been an international low-density villa area in Shanghai. The high-end circle is naturally formed and the forest coverage rate is as high as 22.33%. It is located in the whole city. District second.


Zhaoxiang Sports Park (approximately 64,000 square meters), which is about 4.5 kilometers away from the project in a straight line, integrates leisure, fitness, relaxation, and interactive communication, allowing you to enjoy a natural and fresh oxygen life close by.


Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Sales Office Telephone] Qingpu Zhaoxiang Section, next to Jiasong Middle Road Station on Line 17 [Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons] is expected to enter the market in 4 batches!The project will promote 3-4 rooms with a construction area of about 90-130㎡, and the combined price of house and land is 56,000/㎡.



Shanghai Qingpu Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] (call to enjoy exclusive discounts)

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Professional one-to-one enthusiastic service will allow you to buy a house with a professional vision.













Shanghai Qingpu Huafa Hongqiao Four Seasons Sales Office Tel: 400-8828-814 [Marketing Center] (call to enjoy exclusive discounts)

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Professional one-to-one enthusiastic service will allow you to buy a house with a professional vision.

