




Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 【 Marketing Center 】 (Call to enjoy preferential offers)

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.


Lanyue Xiyun, Lanyue Xiyun sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [sales office phone number] (one-to-one warm service) Lanyue Xiyun sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [sales office number] Telephone] (one-to-one warm service) With the design concept of international masters, we break the natural boundaries between inside and outside the community, integrate the forest concept into life, realize the perfect integration of the community's forest garden and the external natural landscape, and create a real essence that can be seen in the scene. Senju template.Lanyue Xiyun sales office phone number: 400-8828-814 [sales office phone number] (one-on-one warm service)

Lanyuexiyun, with the international master design concept, breaks the natural boundaries inside and outside the community, integrates the forest concept into life, realizes the perfect integration of the community forest garden and the external Natural landscape, and creates a model of elite forest residence that can be seen from the real scene.


大师园林 网师园的当代森活表达



Contemporary Forest Life Expression of Master Garden Master of the Nets Garden

Breaking the traditional and international boundaries, we designed a magnificent landscape of about 26000 square meters with a rare hand, planned the concept of the master garden, and integrated the traditional Jiangnan garden into the contemporary spirit. The landscape axis of the two cross ceremonial sequences, the axis of the east-west ceremonial sequence, and the space for banquets and entertainment, are suitable for both movement and tranquility, with natural and freehand brushwork. The north-south life axis "Water, Ping, Guo, and Lin" balances the layout of communities, with a three step return ceremony sequence of different landscapes. From the five dimensions of ecology, health, integration, exquisite architecture, and humanities, it opens up the integration of nature into the residence and introduces the scenery into life. Create a boundless aesthetic landscape that Suzhou looks forward to.


(Realistic view of the demonstration area)


浪漫森屿 花木丰盈的自然境意



The natural atmosphere of romantic forest island with abundant flowers and trees

Breaking the boundary between nature and life, we use 6 gardens to weave Alice's Wandering Wonderland for you. It is commendable that the "theme park" is evenly distributed below each building, ranging from fitness and leisure, quiet reading, Tianlun Yile to cute children's fun. Every homeowner has a multi-functional space tailored for them. Here is filled with the life atmosphere of family members, where people and nature blend perfectly. In order to make your life more colorful, we spare no effort to open up your horizons from vertical to horizontal. Nine major landscape nodes, constructed with trees, flowers, and landscaping to create a spiritual field between people and buildings, multi-level vertical gardens, over 50 species of colorful plants throughout the four seasons, and the four season scenery overlapping and shining. Create a natural and romantic forest life for you at all times.


(Realistic view of the demonstration area)


菁质社交 沉浸互融的第二会客厅






The Second Meeting Living Room of Elite Social Immersion and Integration

Why outside of home space

Want to create a "pan clubhouse" space?

Charles, the father of advanced customization

The answer was given 176 years ago

澜悦溪云售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】(一对一热情服务)澜悦溪云售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】(一对一热情服务)澜悦溪云承袭大师理念“架空层 泛会所 的定义 家的延伸和功能补充 于是,我们基于人文关怀的出发点,把在室内受空间限制的社交需求,通过 约2600㎡架空层泛会所 打破家内外的界限。它是家庭场域之外, 为业主高定的社交“第二会客厅” 太太的咖啡沙龙,先生的静谧书房,一切社交可能皆由业主自定义。澜悦溪云售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】(一对一热情服务)

在这里,澜悦溪云售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】(一对一热情服务)澜悦溪云售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】(一对一热情服务)年轻人不用做选择题,剧本杀与露营party可以完美ALL IN。下雨天是憋在家里,还是走出家门与孩子来一场自然森呼吸,由你来决定。休闲、娱乐、亲子、社交,一切以满足家庭个性需求为源点。24H全龄悦享,缔造园区的社交森活范本。澜悦溪云售楼处电话:400-8828-814【售楼处电话】(一对一热情服务)

Lanyuexi Cloud inherits the master's concept of "the definition of an elevated floor pan clubhouse is an extension and functional supplement of the home". So, based on humanistic care, we broke the boundaries between inside and outside the home by using an elevated floor pan clubhouse with an area of approximately 2600 square meters to meet the limited social needs of indoor space. It is a social "second meeting living room" set for homeowners outside the family field. The coffee salon for the wife, the quiet study for the husband, and all social activities may be customized by the owner.

Here, young people don't need to do Multiple choice questions. Script killing and camping parties can be perfect ALL IN. It's up to you to decide whether to stay at home or take a natural breath with your child when it's raining. Leisure, entertainment, parent-child interaction, and socializing are all based on meeting the individual needs of the family. 24H full age enjoyment, creating a social forest living model for the park.


(Realistic view of the demonstration area)





Breaking the boundaries within and outside the community

The unparalleled value of Lanyue River Cloud

It's not just about the master's garden skills

Starting from the location of land resources


The more prosperous the city is, the more precious its tranquility becomes, just like Grammy West is like New York, and Changi is like Singapore. The value potential of Gaomao New City relies on the industrial and urban development of the park, and enjoys rich and bustling supporting facilities such as nearby neighborhood centers and Xingpu schools. On one side, enjoy the intimate care of the U-shaped natural waterfront landscape, and on the other side, enjoy the river scenery. Here, bustling and tranquil shake hands and make peace. Eliminating the hustle and bustle outside, returning to the true attitude of life, and using natural comfort and leisure, this is an ideal reflection of the pursuit of exquisite life by urban elites.


(Project Area Map)


The new product of Building 5, which is being promoted this time, precisely embodies the dual core landscape value both inside and outside the project, making it a rare and pure livable high-rise with a panoramic view of the park. Two popular apartment types, approximately 89 square meters and 113 square meters, are widely sought after by the elite in the park. Starting from a total price of 2.51 million yuan, you can purchase the park's elite forest activities.






Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 【 Marketing Center 】 (Call to enjoy preferential offers)

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.













Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 【 Marketing Center 】 (Call to enjoy preferential offers)

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.

