




Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 【 Marketing Center 】 (Call to enjoy preferential offers)

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.


Advanced ecological island - Chongming Island





Shanghai Back Garden

2021 Flower Expo Venue

Planned North Riverside High Speed Railway+S7 Shanghai Chong Expressway

Hot selling red disk in Shanghai









Greenland Long Island

No purchase restrictions, no social security coverage, and can be settled in

A townhouse with a construction area of approximately 100-140 square meters

A courtyard villa with a construction area of approximately 120 square meters

Complimentary garden and terrace

The average price starts at around 26000 yuan/square meter

Starting from a total price of 2.6 million yuan

C07 Villa Delivery Date: December 31, 2021





价格优势:目前环沪的像太仓目前均价约2.2万/㎡ ;花桥均价约2.5万/㎡ ;嘉兴均价约1.8万/㎡ ;而崇明绿地长岛,洋房精装修交付,均价才约1.2万/㎡ ,别墅均价约2.1万/㎡ 起,价格洼地明显,且首付约32万起,就可以买套洋房,门槛更低。

Greenland Long Island has been consistently hot in recent years and is known as the "Ring of Shanghai Shenpan"

As the preferred choice for elderly care, vacation, investment, and self residence in the Shanghai area, Greenland Long Island has the following key advantages:

Geographical advantage: Qidong plate of Chongming Island is only one way away from the boundary line of Shanghai. There are many places around Shanghai like this, such as Taicang, Kunshan, Huaqiao, Jiaxing, etc., which are close to Shanghai, but only Chongming Island can enjoy Shanghai medical insurance and is under the unified planning of Shanghai.

Price advantage: Currently, the average price of Taicang around Shanghai is about 22000 yuan/square meter; The average price of Huaqiao is about 25000 yuan/square meter; The average price in Jiaxing is about 18000 yuan/square meter; On Chongming Greenland Long Island, the average price for the refined decoration and delivery of western-style houses is only about 12000 yuan/square meter, while the average price for villas is around 21000 yuan/square meter. The price depression is obvious, and a down payment of about 320000 yuan is enough to buy a western-style house, with a lower threshold.



Environmental advantages:

As an advanced ecological island, Chongming Island has a Forest cover of 35%, accounting for 30% of the forest area in Shanghai; Negative oxygen ion content 1000-2000 units/cm ³ In addition, the most important thing is that the average life expectancy of Chongming Island has reached 80 years, which is five years higher than the national average. This is also the key reason why many Shanghai customers buy houses in Chongming Island.




Transportation advantages:

At present, although the traffic on Chongming Island is ordinary, the Chongming Rail Transit under construction, the S7 Shanghai Chongming Expressway under planning, the extension of Metro Line 1 under planning, and the high-speed railway along the north river under planning will all change the pattern of Chongming Island. In the future, it may be shortened to 1 hour to the downtown of Shanghai.




绿地长岛由世界500强企业绿地集团投资千亿打造,扼长三角北入海口,南依崇明岛,北面江苏启东,总占地约15.4平方公里,相当于两个静安区的大小,总规划面积约2.35万亩,全长17.5千米的超大规模独立海岛崛起于长三角。绿地长岛位于长三角北入海口,南依崇明岛,背面江苏启东、海门。项目总规划面积约2.35万亩,是绿地集团打造的集商、住、游、旅、购为一体的项目,规划有四大主题区域,包括度假区、休闲区、运动区、旅游区 。

High investment return:

From the opening of Country Garden Shili Bund in 2017, when the average price was about 9000 yuan/㎡, to the current 14500 yuan/㎡ in the next big love city, the price has increased by about 60% in just three years, which is very rare in the area around Shanghai.

Greenland Long Island is built by Greenland Group, a Fortune Global 500 enterprise, with an investment of 100 billion yuan. It is the north entrance of the Yangtze River Delta, the south is Chongming Island, and the north is Qidong, Jiangsu. It covers a total area of about 15.4 square kilometers, which is equivalent to the size of two Jing'an District. The total planning area is about 23500 mu. A large-scale independent island with a total length of 17.5 kilometers rises in the Yangtze River Delta. Greenland Long Island is located at the north entrance of the Yangtze River Delta, south to Chongming Island, and back to Qidong and Haimen in Jiangsu. The total planned area of the project is approximately 23500 acres. It is a project created by Greenland Group that integrates commerce, housing, tourism, and shopping. It is planned to have four major theme areas, including vacation areas, leisure areas, sports areas, and tourist areas.


据十三五规划,目前崇明岛正进一步推进高级生态建设,规划将打造成为一座“海上花岛”,形成“多旅融合”的大旅游格局。轨交带来 便利生活


售楼处热线:400-8828-814【预约热线】(一对一热情服务)售楼处热线:400-8828-814【预约热线】(一对一热情服务)售楼处热线:400-8828-814【预约热线】(一对一热情服务)崇明岛绿地长岛四面环水,项目东西长约17.5KM、南北宽约1.0KM、总占地约 2.35 万亩约两个上海静安区大小)、建设用地面积约 1.1 万亩,,产品类型涵盖景观公寓、花园洋房、风格别墅以及大独栋等,项目分四个版块开发,分别为:





由绿地集团斥资 2000 亿巨资打造了一座集生态、旅游、度假、康养、休闲于一体的城市级岛屿,为国人营造一个 5+2 的国际化生活方式












According to the 13th Five Year Plan, at present, Chongming Island is further promoting advanced ecological construction. The plan will create a "flower island on the sea" and form a large tourism pattern of "multi tourism integration". Rail transit brings convenience to life

With the continuous improvement of the planned high-speed railway along the north river, the planned Chongming rail transit line... the planned tunnels along the Jiangxi line and the planned Chonghai Bridge, and other two rail transit lines, four tunnel bridges, nine public transportation lines, and three major waterway routes, Chongming Island is about to build a comprehensive, three-dimensional, and diverse transportation structure, ushering in a leap forward development!

Sales office hotline: 400-8828-814 [Appointment hotline] (one-on-one warm service) The construction land area is approximately 11000 acres, and the product types include landscape apartments, garden villas, style villas, and large detached houses. The project is developed in four sections, namely:

The elite resort area in Zone A, covering an area of approximately 2 million square meters, includes high-end resources such as star rated hotels and high-end clubs on the island.

The B District Fashion Resort, covering an area of approximately 3.62 million square meters, includes various tourism, vacation, commercial, residential and other facilities.

Central Park Area of Area C, covering an area of about 4.66 million square meters, covers western-style houses, villas, hospitals, schools and other supporting facilities.

The ecological amusement zone in Zone D, covering an area of approximately 1.46 million square meters, includes various ecological amusement facilities.

Greenland Group has invested 200 billion yuan to build a city level island that integrates ecology, tourism, vacation, health care, and leisure, creating a 5+2 international lifestyle for Chinese people.

Since 2015, Greenland Long Island has undergone four years of careful construction. Currently, the B district fashion resort has been basically completed, including:

Dream Island, covering an area of about 90 hectares (about 16 hectares for the Four Seasons Flower Sea, about 20 hectares for the Four Seasons Muge, about 25 hectares for the Intimate Wetland, and about 25 hectares for the Sports Wetland)

About 40000 square meters of Knights Park

About 50000 square meters of golf academy

Approximately 12000 square meters of clubhouse

About 70000 square meters of European style streets, such as the Champs and Flower Embankments,

Making residential life no longer a problem has truly confirmed the saying 'Shanghai Back Garden, go to Long Island on weekends'.

At present, Greenland Long Island is mainly sold in the Central Park area of Zone C, which is the primary gateway to enter Long Island and the core supporting area of the entire project of Greenland Long Island. In the future, medical facilities, education facilities, elderly care facilities, etc. will be concentrated here.

The C04 plot of Greenland Long Island is adjacent to the riverside scenic line to the north and faces Central Park to the south. It is separated by a winding water system, like a paradise in the world. The design and layout of the entire community fully reflect the living concept of green space and home.


Greenland Long Island C04 plot is a design and living concept that ultimately achieves a better life through reasonable spatial layout, comprehensive comfort and experience of living environment. Every space, cluster of greenery, and service facility in the community has undergone repeated deliberation, striving to provide residents with a more convenient travel experience, more flexible and diverse activity venues, and a more warm living experience.



The villa in Zone C of Greenland Long Island adopts a new Chinese architectural style, with western-style houses mainly in Spanish architectural style, and the outer facade mainly in real stone paint. The appearance is elegant and noble, and durable.


景观方面,绿地长岛C区为环境有由占地约60公顷的湿地公园为主,“落霞与孤鹜齐飞 秋水共长天一色”的景色近在眼前。同时C07板块还有4个景观公园(薇园、悦享园、悦动园、达园),建筑与景观相互结合,完全融入到大自然的怀抱之中。

In terms of landscape, the C area of Greenland Long Island is mainly composed of a wetland park covering an area of about 60 hectares, with the scenery of "sunset and solitary ducks flying together in autumn, and the sky is one color" in front of us. At the same time, there are four landscape parks in the C07 section (Wei Yuan, Yue Xiang Yuan, Yue Dong Yuan, Da Yuan), which integrate architecture and landscape into the embrace of nature.



Plot Introduction: The villa area of Plot C07 is located on the southwest side of Central Park and is one of the plots with good landscape environment in Zone C; Here, you can experience the ecological atmosphere of Central Park up close and fully integrate into the embrace of nature.





























Architectural style: New Chinese architectural style is the interpretation and inheritance of Chinese culture, creating a pure "Chinoiserie"

Villa C07 for sale unit type information

The opening of this property is for 'approximately 103 square meters of small row houses' and' approximately 141 square meters of large row houses'

Introduction to House Types

About 103 square meters of small row (three rooms, two living rooms, and three bathrooms)

Unit characteristics:

1. Complimentary one floor standard basement

2. Comes with a living room with a height of 21.87 square meters that can be converted into a suite

3. Before the renovation, there were two bedrooms, two living rooms, and three bathrooms. After the renovation, there were three bedrooms, two living rooms, and three bathrooms

4. Comes with a 17.91 square meter north-south terrace

5. Complimentary large north-south courtyard

6. Rich and diverse gift spaces

About 141 square meters of large row (three rooms, two living rooms, and three bathrooms)

Room type characteristics:

1. Complimentary one floor standard basement

2. Comes with 28.90 square meters above the living room, which can be converted into a suite

3. Before the renovation, there were two bedrooms, two living rooms, and three bathrooms. After the renovation, there were three bedrooms, two living rooms, and three bathrooms

4. Attached is a 16.22 square north-south terrace

5. Complimentary large north-south courtyard

6. Rich and diverse gift spaces

About 125 Pinghe Yuan (Nanhe Yuan has four rooms, two living rooms, and three bathrooms, while Beihe Yuan has three rooms, two living rooms, and three bathrooms)

Unit characteristics:

1. Large face width design, with an oversized face width of 8.4 meters

2. Large living room and master bedroom, continuous large space for guest dining room

3. Top floor comes with a 50 square extra large terrace

4. Attached upper staircase, with unlimited renovation potential

5. Rich and diverse gift spaces

140 square meter sample house of townhouse









Greenland Long Island, developed by Greenland Group with a total of 200 billion yuan and a super large market of 100000 units. A high-quality urban project that integrates leisure vacation, tourism and entertainment, and self-help health preservation!

Transportation facilities:

Self driving: At present, the land transportation on Chongming Island mainly relies on Yichen Haiping Highway and the north side highway. Although the distance is not long, the road is a little blocked due to many cars on holidays, speed restrictions and traffic lights; However, in the future, G40 Shanghai Shaanxi Expressway will have a toll station on Yongxing East Road near Chongming–Qidong Yangtze River Bridge (to be opened). In the future, about 30 minutes' drive will be saved from Shanghai or Jiangsu to the project, and traffic on Chongming Island will also be eased; It is also planned to have S7 Shanghai Chongming Expressway passing through Baoshan District, Jiading District and Chongming District. At present, the construction of Baoshan section is under way. It is expected that the construction of Chongming Island section will start in 2020, and it is expected that it will be open to traffic in 2023. It will only take about 20 minutes from Baoshan to Chongming Island;

Metro: Chongming Island is planned to have a metro Chongming track line (expected to start this year) and an extension line of Metro Line 1 (under planning), and there will be stations near Dongping Forest Park in the future; By then, the travel modes on Chongming Island will be more diversified;

High speed railway: Chongming Island's planned high-speed railway along the river in the north starts from Chengdu in the west, passes through Chongqing, Wuhan, Hefei, Nanjing, Yangzhou, Taizhou and Nantong, and ends in Shanghai. The Jiangsu section has a total length of 385 kilometers (excluding connecting lines), with a design speed target of 350 kilometers per hour. At present, the construction of the East High speed Railway Station and the Jiangsu Section in Shanghai has started with the economy. It is planned that there will be a high-speed railway station near Dongping Forest Park, Chongming Island. In the future, it will only take about 30 minutes from Shanghai to Chongming Island;


Commercial supporting facilities:

In addition to the residential bottom stores in each sub district, the project also has several large-scale commercial complexes, including Starbucks, Carrefour Supermarket, cinemas, shopping malls, etc; Moreover, the nearby Da Ai City also has a commercial area of about 10000 square meters, and Guorui Yingtai also has a commercial area of about 30000 square meters, making life very convenient;



Education supporting facilities:

The project plans to introduce Shanghai First Normal University Affiliated Primary School, Jiangfan Primary School, etc., and plans to introduce Oxford International Classroom. There are also two international kindergartens and one elderly university planned




Medical facilities:

In addition to its own medical facilities, the project plans to introduce Shanghai 10th People's Hospital, which is currently under negotiation; The project is about 20km away from Xinhua Hospital in the south gate, and driving is also very convenient



Leisure facilities:

The project plan includes four major theme parks: vacation, leisure, leisure, and ecological amusement, including Four Seasons Flower Sea, Four Seasons Pastoral, Knights Park, Champs Elysees Flower Embankment European Street, Love Beach, and more,



Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 【 Marketing Center 】 (Call to enjoy preferential offers)

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.













Sales Office Phone: 400-8828-814 【 Marketing Center 】 (Call to enjoy preferential offers)

If you have any questions, please feel free to call us for consultation. Our professional one-on-one and enthusiastic service allows you to purchase a house with a professional perspective.

